
Adolescents 13-18

The hidden dangers of toxic scented products. (And how to keep your kids safe!)

There are literally thousands of household products that contain fragrances.  Common household products that contain fragrances include laundry detergents, fabric softeners, dryer sheets, air fresheners, cleaning supplies, perfumes, lotions, hand soap, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, perfumes, colognes, bodycare products, and scented candles. Many of my patients are surprised to learn that...

4 sneaky sources of hidden toxic lead in your home from #Naturopathic Pediatrics.

4 sneaky sources of hidden toxic lead in your home

Lead can negatively effect people of all ages, but young children are the most susceptible to the effects of lead due to the vulnerability of their developing central nervous system. Exposure to lead can cause permanent central nervous system damage, lowered IQ, developmental delays and anemia among a host of...

3 herbs for kids with anxiety (and their parents!) from Naturopathic Pediatrics

3 Herbs for Kids with Anxiety (and their parents)

3 Herbs for Kids with Anxiety (and their parents) Our modern life is so stressful, isn't it? It’s no wonder that our sweet and sensitive kids can become overwhelmed by the world’s many pressures and expectations. Our blog has several great articles about the naturopathic approach to treating anxiety in children...

A #naturopathic approach to cyclic vomiting and abdominal migraines.

Why So Many Belly Aches? Cyclic Vomiting and Abdominal Migraines

Recurring and prolonged abdominal pain and vomiting are, unfortunately, not uncommon in kids. Often, they occur together, although a child may have pain without vomiting. What are Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome and Abdominal Migraines? The terms Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) and Abdominal Migraines (AM) refer to two different conditions that have a lot...

Seven Ways to Kick Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is caused by a fungus. Because fungi like to grow in warm, damp, dark climates, the infection often strikes in athletes, who tend to have sweaty feet stuck in tight-fitting shoes for long periods of time. The rash can affect non-athletes as well,...