
Toddlers 2-4

Where does Autism Come from, Anyway?

Currently the causes of Autism are all theoretical in nature. It is appears that many causes come together to ‘flip on the switch’ for Autism. There is no ‘one cause’ for Autism. (Some of the) Theories for Autism causes: Genetics: One of the latest studies coming out has found that Autism may...

What to do when the GAPS diet fails

A decade ago Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride published her now-famous book titled Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, A.D.H.D., Depression, Schizophrenia. A few years ago I started noticing a huge trend in parents trying the GAPS diet on their own, either after reading the book or getting...

What is Beige Syndrome?

  Beige Syndrome Does your child suffer from the “Beige syndrome?” Toddlers are the population most affected by this common affliction.  This disorder can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies, behavioral problems, and may predispose to frequent colds and ear infections. How do you know if your child has “Beige Syndrome?”  Take a look...

Preventing caries (cavities) in fluoride-free families

In previous blog posts I have talked about fluoride supplementation.  This week I would like to talk about ways to prevent cavities in families who decide to decline fluoride supplementation. So first I want to say that there really is no excuse for having poor oral hygiene habits  - especially if you...

Skip the Centrum! (A guide to a good multivitamin)

I’m not a “supplements” doctor. I know many naturopathic patients who have had the experience of coming home from a visit with a bagful of pills and potions.  I really try not to do that. My long-term goal as a physician is always to treat the underlying cause so we can permanently...

Let them eat dirt (The Hygiene Hypothesis)

  Have you guys heard of something called the "Hygiene Hypothesis?" The Hygiene Hypothesis states that much of the chronic disease in the First World is due to lack of exposure to dirt and "healthy" microbes.  In our Lysol-friendly American households we come into contact with way less germs than developing nations...

Iron-rich foods for kids and infants

Between 9 and 15 months of age most children are screened for iron-deficiency with a toe or finger prick test. Why are they torturing your little one? Well, I promise it's for a good reason. What is iron deficiency? Iron is an essential mineral necessary for carrying oxygen in the blood.  Deficiency of...

Calcium – the great milk myth

Calcium is one of the most important minerals in the body and is involved in much more than just bone formation.  Calcium is required for our nerves to pass signals, for our blood to clot, our heart to pump, and our muscles to contract.  Every cell in the body requires...