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Colic – is it reflux, gas or an over-sensitive baby?

The "C" word in baby circles.  It brings terror to the hearts of parents everywhere.  But what exactly does "colic" mean? Colic is actually defined as excessive crying: an otherwise healthy and well-fed infant who cries more than three hours daily more than three days a week for more than...

A naturopathic approach to infant GERD/reflux

GER(D) is often the first diagnosis a baby receives, which can make it quite scary. What is GERD? GER(D) is gastroesophageal reflux (disease); it’s also called heartburn, reflux, or acid reflux. It occurs when the contents of the stomach reflux up into the esophagus. The pH of the stomach contents is quite...

What I wish someone had told me about Postpartum Depression

It was six weeks after Annika was born, on a Friday, that it hit me.  Annika was having another one of her “colic” fits of uncontrollable crying.  (The crying that is completely unsoothable, regardless of how many of Dr. Karp’s “S’s” I try.)  Annika’s uncontrollable crying lasted about 45 minutes. ...