


Physician Resources – Charting Templates Newborn to 12 months


There must be a way to make practice easier…

A note from Dr. Erika,

One of the most challenging things of private practice, I have found, is not seeing patients but organizing, planning and charting.  Have you felt this way too?  Have you found yourself thinking “There must be an easier way to do this…”?

I have found that robust charting templates make my practice much easier.  I combined AAP practice guidelines with what I believe to be best naturopathic practices and created charting templates that help guide my well child visits.  This helps trigger important discussions during well child visits – things like breastfeeding checks, solid food introductions, mental health checks for Mom and Dad, safety discussions, encouraging connection & attachment with the child and parent, screening for lead exposure, checking developmental milestones and more.

I am happy to share these templates with you!

I have included two versions – one is a simple word document you can cut and paste into your own EMR system.  Another is a version that you can use with Text Expander to create custom pop-up templates. (Very, very cool!)



This product is designed for Naturopathic Physicians, Primary Care Providers or other healthcare providers only. It is not intended for personal or patient use.  

Included in Physician Resources – Charting Templates Newborn to 12 months

  • Subjective, Objective, Assessment (with ICD-10 codes) and Plan templates for ages newborn, 1 week, 2 week, 2 month, 4 month, 6, month, 9 month and 12 month well child visits.
  • Subjective information includes questions to ask parents, including information on birth history, newborn procedures, prenatal history, medication and supplement use for both Mom and the child, checks on breastfeeding, diapers, sleep, parent’s mental health, spiritual/religious factors, safety, siblings, family history, and development appropriate at each time frame.
  • Additional screening checks for lead exposure at 9 months, and TB at 12 months (as recommended by AAP).
  • Objective information includes sample templates for “normal” findings for all body systems at each age group.
  • Assessment includes ICD-10 codes appropriate for each time frame (for normal findings).
  • Plan information includes a template for providing naturopathic guidance for each time frame.  This includes information about breastfeeding, colic, naturopathic fever management, developing connection with parent & infant, normal development, parent self-care (which is critically important to a child’s development), safety concerns, solid food introduction (with Baby Led Weaning discussion), how to encourage speech and gross motor development, screen time, sleep information, and much, much more.  This helps trigger reminders to discuss certain topics at specific ages (e.g., baby-proofing at 9 months, when babies are becoming more mobile.)

Text Expander templates

Also included in this download are Text Expander templates.

Text expander is a paid app that lets you insert snippets of text using short codes. You will need to purchase Text Expander separately (no affiliation, and it is very reasonably priced.)

I have included templates that can be copied and pasted into your Text Expander program, which allows you to create entire templates within your EMR system simply by typing a short snippet. You will need to set up each snippet with a keyword or short code that you prefer. In my practice I use snippets starting with a semi-colon (to prevent from accidental use of a text expander). For example typing ;newb would pull up my entire newborn subjective.  This is optional, but highly recommended as it makes charting extremely efficient.

Well Child Guides

Also included are the black & white physician versions of our Well Child Guides ages newborn, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months.  Use these as handouts for your practice for each well child check.  Patients LOVE them!

Included in the Newborn Well Child Guide

  • Normal reflexes and development
  • How far your baby can see
  • Tricks for initiating breastfeeding
  • What to expect for diaper changes in the first week of life
  • When to introduce a bottle or pacifier
  • Safe sleep practices, and how to reduce your child’s risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  • Normal/average awake time for newborns
  • General safety tips
  • Tips for new Moms and Dads including advice on Baby Blues, Postpartum Depression, and how to take care of yourself!
  • Information about when to expect growth spurts, Wonder Weeks™, average weight gain and upcoming developmental milestones between newborn and 2 months.*

Included in the 2 Month Well Child Guide

  • Normal development at two months
  • What your baby can see! (Shapes, colors, etc.)
  • Tricks for maintaining good breastmilk supply
  • Normal sleep patterns for a breastfed baby, nighttime wakings and when to start sleep training.  (Hint: it’s not now!)
  • Safety tips
  • Baby carrier safety
  • How often to expect diaper changes
  • Tricks for baby colds and congestion
  • Colic
  • Tips for Moms and Dads including advice on fatigue and Postpartum Depression.
  • Vaccines – which vaccines are typically recommended at the 2 month visit, what are common “reactions” to vaccines, comfort strategies and what NOT to do after immunizations.

Included in the 4 Month Well Child Guide

  • Normal development at four months
  • Tricks for nursing your baby
  • Solid food introductions and how to reduce your child’s risk of food allergies.
  • Teething tricks and tips – and what NOT to do!
  • Sleep, sleep training, and why you should wait to sleep train until your baby can play “Peekaboo!”
  • Safety tips
  • How to manage a fever naturally
  • Tips for Moms and Dads including advice on fatigue and Postpartum Depression.
  • Vaccines – which vaccines are typically recommended at the 4 month visit, what are common “reactions” to vaccines, comfort strategies and what NOT to do after immunizations.

Included in the 6 Month Well Child Guide

  • Normal development at six months
  • Solid food introductions: signs your baby is ready for solid foods, great first foods, how to start Baby Led Weaning, the importance of iron-containing foods, how to detect a food sensitivity, and foods NOT to give babies.  We have included a number of food charts with examples of great “first” foods,  “next” foods and iron-containing foods.
  • Sleep: average awake time, number of naps, bedtime routines and more.
  • Safety tips: there are lots of them for babies who will shortly be on the move!
  • Vaccines – which vaccines are typically recommended at the 6 month visit.
  • What to expect between 6 and 9 months.

Included in the 9 month well child guide

  • Normal development at nine months, including a handy chart that shows the average age and age range for a number of developmental milestones (like crawling, pulling to stand, walking).
  • When to be concerned about your child’s development.
  • Diet: transitioning to more solid foods, drinking from a cup, choking hazards, iron-containing foods and more.
  • Normal sleep at nine months: average awake time, sleeping through the night, resisting sleep, and more.
  • What parents may be feeling, taking time for yourself, how to take care of yourself.
  • Social considerations: separation anxiety, sibling rivalry, establishing the framework for discipline.
  • Safety tips: Poison Control Center, safe sunscreens, and many more safety tips.
  • What to expect from your baby between 9 and 12 months.

Included in the 12 Month Well Child Guide

  • Normal development at twelve months
  • Visual development
  • Social development, how to support your child’s developing independence, and how to deal with tantrums
  • Language development, how to encourage your child to communicate their needs, how to NOT speak to your child (common things that parents do that impede language development)
  • When to be concerned
  • Dietary advice, including cow’s milk introductions (or alternate milks), preventing obesity, toddler appetites, how often your child should be eating
  • Diapers and when to toilet train (hint: not yet!)
  • Sleep, and how to help with the 2 to 1 nap transition
  • Screen time
  • Safety and general health tips
  • Information about vaccines, including live virus vaccines like MMR and Varicella.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.