

Thyroid health for moms-to-be, moms, and babies. (Including a list of thyroid symptoms!)

Thyroid Health for Moms-to-Be, Moms, and Babies

I’ve helped many women become pregnant after they’ve “failed” several rounds of in vitro fertilization (IVF). It didn’t take any fancy equipment, painful procedures, or expensive medications. It just took looking at these women like they were more than ovaries and uteruses. Many of these women had undiagnosed hypothyroidism. Once we...

My Two Favorite Herbal Medicines for Infertility

Have you ever consulted Dr. Google? If you have consulted Dr. Google for information regarding herbal medicine for infertility treatment you likely won’t get far (or get pregnant). Many of the herbal medicines recommended can be helpful, but my two favorites have research supporting their use. Licorice root and white peony. The combination...

5 Tips for Naturopathic Pre-Conception Care

Planning a pregnancy?  If you’re thinking about trying to conceive in the next 3-6 months, you may want to think about a few things first. 1.  Folic Acid. Most women have heard about taking folic acid, but not all folic acid is created equal.  Some people carry a gene that makes it...