

Nursing alcohol naturopathic

Will I ever drink again: Alcohol and Nursing

The baby has arrived, you are home and beginning to think you may have settled a little in to this new parent thing.  You may even dare to think you are developing a bit of a routine.  Your body is healing and your baby is thriving.  Adult beverages have begun...

Naturopathic Pediatrics article: failure to thrive in a breastfed baby.

Failure to Thrive in a Breastfed Baby

If your baby has failure to thrive please read the first part of this blog post at: What to do if your child drops on their growth curve or is diagnosed with Failure to Thrive Contact an IBCLC first If your baby is breastfed and is not gaining appropriately I highly recommend...

Naturopathic Pediatrics - Galactagogues to increase breast milk supply

Herbs to increase milk supply: a guide to galactagogues

Worried about low breastmilk supply? This post will cover herbs to increase lactation.  Herbs that increase breast milk production are called “galactagogues.”  (“Galacta” = milk, “-gogue” = producer or supplier) Is your milk supply actually low? But first before we get started - is your milk supply actually low?  Many women mistakenly believe...