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Meet Dr. Currey

Welcome, my name is Danielle, I am a mother of two middle schoolers, doctor, teacher, wife, knitter, and human being.  My family and I call Clackamas, Oregon our home, and we love, love, love living in the Northwest.  I have been practicing naturopathic medicine in my private clinic since October...

Why I Practice and Why I Blog, by Dr. Teresa Neff

People ask me why I love working in pediatric naturopathic medicine so much. Well, aside from the babies being adorable and snuggly, and the kids being creative and inspiring, I love it because the strength of body and the inner healing power of a child is remarkable to observe. Naturopathic medicine...

Docere – Doctor as Teacher

We are in the age of passive medicine. Our current medical model reimburses physicians for investigating/making a diagnosis, and managing treatment of that particular diagnosis.   Physicians get paid for the diagnosis or treatment, not for the amount of time spent with patients (with some exceptions).  This leads to short patient visits...