
Naturopathic Tricks and Tips

The evidence for fish oil supplementation in children

Studies show that children and adolescents with ADHD have significantly lower plasma and blood concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), especially omega-3s.4 This has led researchers to investigate the relationship between supplemental omega-3s and the attention and behavior problems associated with ADHD in children.4 Some data suggests mild improvements with...

Seven Ways to Kick Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is caused by a fungus. Because fungi like to grow in warm, damp, dark climates, the infection often strikes in athletes, who tend to have sweaty feet stuck in tight-fitting shoes for long periods of time. The rash can affect non-athletes as well,...

The 5 Best Natural Sleep Remedies for Kids

Does the idea of your child sleeping through the night feel like a frustrating daydream? Most parents struggle with bedtime at some point in their kid’s lives. Insomnia is unfortunately common in people of all ages and it effects about 20% (i.e. 1 in 5) of children ages 5 to...

Can drinking more water make your kid smarter? Dr. Martin from Naturopathic Pediatrics explains

Can drinking more water make your kid smarter?

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Water intake is critical for many body functions, but it’s especially important for optimal brain health. It’s so important that the human body can’t live more than a few days without it. Water makes up to about 60-65% of your child’s total weight (up to 75% for...

Detox for kids!

What do trampolines, lemons and red clovers have in common?  They can all help your kids get rid of chemicals in their bodies.  Pound for pound, children are exposed to more toxins than adults are because they eat more, breathe more, and have a greater skin surface area.  More toxins...

What’s In Your Child’s Multivitamin??

People take multivitamins because they are supposedly healthy. While I regularly prescribe vitamins and supplements for specific reasons, I do not recommend that everybody take a multivitamin. Moreover, I have been shocked at the poor quality of the ingredients in many children’s multivitamins. Children have such delicate, developing neurological systems...

Springing Forward

Springtime celebrations across cultures share the theme of resilience & renewal.  Children have a natural ability to ‘bounce back’ when they encounter significant challenges and parents can play a critical role in helping to further develop this skill.  When resilient kids are faced with life's obstacles, they can use them to spring forward. As parents, we are accustomed...

Tummy Massage for Every Body

One of the best ways to help your little one and yourself is through the use of therapeutic massage. I often suggest Tummy Massage (or to be technical, abdominal massage) to my patients and their parents. Tummy massage can be helpful in a few different ways: a gentle tummy massage...

Skip the Centrum! (A guide to a good multivitamin)

I’m not a “supplements” doctor. I know many naturopathic patients who have had the experience of coming home from a visit with a bagful of pills and potions.  I really try not to do that. My long-term goal as a physician is always to treat the underlying cause so we can permanently...