Vaccines Demystified is your best source for unbiased, reliable information about childhood immunizations. No guilt, no shame. Learn about childhood vaccines away from the hype.
This is not an “anti-vaccine” course. This is not a “pro-vaccine” course. This course presents all the facts regarding early childhood vaccinations in a non-biased, non-judgmental atmosphere.

We get it! This course will help you sort out fact from fiction, and truth from exaggeration.
Learn about:
- How do I naturally support my child through vaccinations?
- What is thimerosal? Which vaccines contain thimerosal? How do I avoid thimerosal in vaccines?
- Which vaccines contain preservatives? What do we know about vaccine additives and preservatives?
- Why is aluminum in vaccines? What is a vaccine adjuvant? Which vaccines are low in aluminum?
- What side effects can happen? Are they common?
- Why should my child avoid Tylenol around the time of vaccinations?
- Which vaccines does my child really NEED?
Here’s what you get:
- An e-book with a full summary of each pediatric vaccine. This e-book includes space to take notes.
- Videos on each individual infant vaccine. These videos vary in length from about 5 minutes to about 25 minutes.
- Videos on special topics. These videos vary in length from about 1 minute to about 20 minutes. These special topics include autism, aluminum, SIDS, VAERS, vaccines and abortion, preventing vaccine reactions, making vaccines more comfortable and more.
- Videos answering additional questions. These two “office hours” videos are full of nifty little naturopathic thoughts and tips, going beyond just childhood vaccinations.
- Downloads of vaccine planning documents, vaccine spacing guides, alternate vaccine schedules and a guide to making decisions about vaccines for your family.
- Over 4 hours of videos content.
Each vaccine video includes information about:
- The disease
- The vaccine
- All the vaccine ingredients. What do we know about some of these additives, preservatives and adjuvants? (Are they safe?)
- When it is normally given.
- Expected side effects from the vaccine
- Possible adverse events (serious side effects)
- Common myths
- Uncommon knowledge (what most people may NOT know about the vaccine or disease)
- Dr. Erika’s thoughts (e.g., which vaccines “sting,” which ones tend to cause a rash, which vaccines you should NOT give together, how to prevent fevers after certain vaccines, and LOTS more.)
Special topics:
- Why NOT to give Tylenol around the time of vaccines
- Do vaccines cause autism? What do we know, and what don’t we know about this topic? (And what does Dr. Erika think?)
- Abortion and vaccines, and other religious objections to vaccinating
- Is there a link between SIDS and vaccines?
- How to avoid thimerosal in vaccines.
- All about aluminum in vaccines. Why is it in vaccines? Is it dangerous?
- VAERS and what to do if your child has a vaccine adverse reaction.
- Timing, scheduling and alternate vaccine schedules.
- How to make vaccines more comfortable. How to reduce the risk of vaccine side-effects and adverse events. (Yes, we do have research on this!)