Nature’s soothing secret: clinical use of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) in pediatric medicine
Is lemon balm safe for kids? ...
Is lemon balm safe for kids? ...
Looking for a great phosphatidylcholine product? Seeking Health has the best. Check it out here! What is choline? Choline is a water-soluble nutrient that is technically neither a vitamin or a mineral. However, it is open lumped together with the B-vitamin family of nutrients due to its role in...
Probiotics are the “good” bacteria or microorganisms that live in and on our bodies. We actually have more bacteria living in us than we do cells! Probiotics live in our digestive tract and perform a number of functions like helping us digest food and communicating with our immune system to...
Most pregnant women experience some degree of heartburn during their pregnancy, often towards the end when that sweet little baby is making its presence known! For some, it's a mild inconvenience after a large meal, for others it's more bothersome making sleeping and eating an unpleasant chore. Why am I getting...
I see many pregnant women in my practice, and I love working with moms and dads to-be as they are so inspired to live and eat well. But, inevitably, they’ll come to an appointment upset because they’ve been told (or fear) that they’ve “gained too much weight”. Just recently, a...
// // Pregnant and experiencing a change in bowel habits? Just another one of the many wonderful “woes” of pregnancy! Constipation is a frequent complaint amongst pregnant women, even for those who don’t typically experience it! You can thank progesterone for that as it tends to slow everything down a bit! Laxatives...
// // Pregnancy. That time in a woman's life when she feels her body is not her own, and often feels like her food cravings are being driven by something other than her taste buds! We've all heard stories of late night trips to the grocery store, or impromptu...
1/3/2015. Update from Dr. Erika: DON'T THROW OUT YOUR ESSENTIAL OILS! I've been getting a lot of comments from folks who read this article and are terrified to use essential oils now. Please, read the article carefully - topical or diffused essential oils can be very safe and effective in...
An article was recently published in “Science Translational Medicine” entitled “The Placenta Harbors a Unique Microbiome”. The researchers collected placentas from 320 subjects and analyzed DNA to accurately identify which strains of microbial life were present. There's bacteria in the placenta? In the past, placentas and the intrauterine birth environment were thought...
This is a guest post from Dr. Erika's husband, Jason Krumbeck, DPT. Jason is a physical therapist in Missoula who specializes in orthopedic rehabilitation. Thanks to his wife he also knows a thing or two about back pain in pregnancy...
I’m not a “supplements” doctor. I know many naturopathic patients who have had the experience of coming home from a visit with a bagful of pills and potions. I really try not to do that. My long-term goal as a physician is always to treat the underlying cause so we can permanently...