

Is zinc supplementation safe for children?

Dr. K here. Zinc is one of my most-used supplements in my practice, both for pediatrics and adult patients. I use zinc most often for diarrhea, picky eating, eczema, general immune support, and anxiety in children. (Of course, this is all very patient-specific, and depending on the overall need/s...

Nutritional interventions for depression and anxiety in children

Depression and anxiety are extremely common conditions that affect millions of children in the United States.  The CDC estimates 9.4% of children have clinically significant anxiety, and 4.4% of children have depression.  This represents over 5 million anxious children and 2.5 million depressed children in the United States alone. UNICEF estimates...

I think my child has PANDAS. What do I do next?

What is PANDAS?  PANDAS stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infection. This condition is characterized by a sudden onset of psychiatric symptoms after a Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococcal infection (GABHS). Many have only heard about Strep throat, in which the strep infection is in the throat. However,...