

Naturopathic Pediatrics article: failure to thrive in a breastfed baby.

Failure to Thrive in a Breastfed Baby

If your baby has failure to thrive please read the first part of this blog post at: What to do if your child drops on their growth curve or is diagnosed with Failure to Thrive Contact an IBCLC first If your baby is breastfed and is not gaining appropriately I highly recommend working with a lactation consultant (IBCLC).  Click here to find a lactation consultant near you I also highly recommend checking out which is the internet’s best source for reliable breastfeeding information.  Here are some great articles: Kellymom guide to nursing your newborn Kellymom guide to low milk supply When to (not) supplement First -...

Failure to thrive in babies and toddlers eating solid foods. Naturopathic Pediatrics article.

Failure to Thrive in Babies/Toddlers Eating Solid Foods

If your baby has failure to thrive please read the first part of this blog post at: What to do if your child drops on their growth curve or is diagnosed with Failure to Thrive Is it normal? First I want to say that dips on the growth curve are extremely common in exclusively breastfed babies who are transitioning to solids, especially around the 9-12 month mark.   It isn’t uncommon for babies this age to have some difficulty wrapping their heads (or mouths) around the fact that they need to start putting some effort into eating.  Some have issues with...

What to do if your child drops in their growth curve or is diagnosed with failure to thrive

What to do if your child drops in their growth curve or is diagnosed with Failure To Thrive

One of the main purposes of well child visits is to make sure that babies and young children are gaining weight, height and head circumference appropriately.  Babies who do not gain enough are diagnosed with Failure to Thrive.  The Failure to Thrive diagnosis may be made when a baby or child drops below the 2nd percentile more than once, or when their growth drops over more than 2 major percentile lines (90th, 75th, 50th, 25th, 10th, 5th).  For example, a baby that goes from 75th percentile to 25th percentile, or a baby that goes from 25th percentile to under the...

7 tips to improve your child’s iron status (without supplementation!)

Iron is an essential nutrient, and one that many parents worry about. Current recommendations are to offer iron-rich foods as early as 4-6 months to ensure that there is enough iron available for the rapid period of growth and development that happens in the first year. Babies who are born full-term (37 weeks+) are born with enough iron from Mom to last until 6 months of age.  Breastfed babies are at increased risk for iron deficiency after 6 months as breastmilk provides only a small amount (0.35 mg/L) of an albeit highly bioavailable iron. And, given that iron deficiency is...

5 Tips for Moms to Beat the Fatigue and Feel Rested

Alright, you are a new parent, or maybe you are a seasoned parent. Your days are long and your nights (of rest) are short. But the good part is that you can take a few key steps to ensure that when you are awake you have the energy you need to keep up with the little ones. And more importantly for those zzz's you are getting, lets make them count! Your diet is the most foundational, most important, most crucial part of your wellness plan. And for many of you, this may be the furthest thing from your mind. There are...

Beyond Breastfeeding: Milk options in Toddlerhood

If I had a list of FAQ's (I should!), this would be at the top of the list: What kind, and how much milk should  my toddler drink? And, the answer I always give is that any milk (other than breast milk) after the age of 12 months should be considered a beverage, and not a primary source of nutrition.  It's understandably confusing, given the importance of milk in the Canadian and US Food Guides.  But, is milk, as a food group really necessary for health? Many would say "no", including the Harvard School of Public Health, which deemed dairy an optional food group.  Dairy products provide...

Naturopathic Approach to Obesity: Ways to Help Children Achieve and Maintain a Healthy Weight

According to research by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) “Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years.” Findings from 2012 found that ‘more than one third of children and adolescents {in the United States} were overweight or obese.” Issues with excess weight have long-term implications. It has been found that 30% of obese adults first developed weight problems in childhood. Likely Causes of Childhood Obesity: 1. Lack of healthy food availability or choices: “Many children do not consume a single serving of quality fruit and vegetables in a day.” –Michael Murray, ND With all of...

Naturopathic Pediatrics - Galactagogues to increase breast milk supply

Herbs to increase milk supply: a guide to galactagogues

Worried about low breastmilk supply? This post will cover herbs to increase lactation.  Herbs that increase breast milk production are called “galactagogues.”  (“Galacta” = milk, “-gogue” = producer or supplier) Is your milk supply actually low? But first before we get started - is your milk supply actually low?  Many women mistakenly believe that their breast milk supply is low when it is not.  See this wonderful article from about breastmilk supply issues.  There is no need to supplement with galactagogues if breastmilk supply is normal! (If you need a good introduction to Breastfeeding, including an answer to all your basic questions, check out...

Sneaky Chemical Exposures: the Nursery

Baby's on the way.  You're busy nesting.  Painting the nursery, buying the crib, the dresser, the glider, the toy chest.  It's an exciting time.  But the hundreds of decisions that have to be made regarding exactly what to buy can be stressful.  Well, add another stressor:  between flame retardants, formaldehyde-laced particle board, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in paint, you have a lot of chemicals to try to block at the door of baby's room. Paint VOCs are what gives paint that terrible chemical smell.  The EPA lists the following as side effects of exposure to VOCs:  "eye, nose, and throat irritation;...

Naturopathic Treatment for Infant Eczema

Eczema (aka Atopic Dermatitis)  is very common, and it frequently first pops up infancy affecting anywhere from 5-20% of children.  I've seen many babies, some as young as 3-4 weeks with whole body eczema.  By the time I see them, Mom and Dad have often already tried everything - new detergent, more bathing, less bathing and every over the counter cream money can buy.  And, understandably they are hesitant to rely on hydrocortisone cream. What Causes Eczema We know that eczema tends to run in families, and that having a family member with either eczema, asthma or allergies increases the risk. (See...

Getting baby (and parents!) ready for solids – a case for Baby Led Weaning

If you're at all familiar with my practice, you'll know that I'm a huge advocate of baby led weaning (BLW).  For the several years I've been offering workshops in addition to counseling patients and families in my office on the ins and out of BLW for the past several years. My interest in BLW was piqued after we my first daughter was born.  We had such success with it that we subsequently used it to introduce food to our twins who were born in 2010  When asked about the benefits of BLW, I tend to be a little emphatic!  I think...

Detox for kids!

What do trampolines, lemons and red clovers have in common?  They can all help your kids get rid of chemicals in their bodies.  Pound for pound, children are exposed to more toxins than adults are because they eat more, breathe more, and have a greater skin surface area.  More toxins get into their bodies and their immature organ systems make them more susceptible to damage (infants are 10x more susceptible and children 3x).  Toxins can easily be found in our water, food, air, personal care products, household items and medications.  Regularly supporting detoxification in children is strongly recommended, especially in children who: have...

What’s In Your Child’s Multivitamin??

People take multivitamins because they are supposedly healthy. While I regularly prescribe vitamins and supplements for specific reasons, I do not recommend that everybody take a multivitamin. Moreover, I have been shocked at the poor quality of the ingredients in many children’s multivitamins. Children have such delicate, developing neurological systems that it is imperative that if you are giving them vitamins, they must be high quality. Below is the ingredients list for a common multivitamin found at many natural food stores: In case you want a little more information on the above mentioned vitamins: Vitamin A: There is no toxicity associated with the...

Top 10 Avoidable Physical Dangers for Kids

As a naturopathic doctor, I don't see a lot of emergency cases. Parents tend to know when they need to go to the ER, so I generally see kids for their follow-up care. But, as a mom who is also a doctor, I ponder questions such as: what do I worry most about for my child? Here are the physical dangers I worry about most for my baby, his buddies, and my patients, that are preventable, or at least whose damage can be mitigated. 1. Drowning 2. Accidental Gun Shots 3. Unrecognized Respiratory Distress 4. Accidental Marijuana Ingestion 5. Alcohol Poisoning 6. Accidental Over the Counter...

Natural Home Treatments for Croup

What is Croup? Croup is known for its loud, barking cough and inflammation of the throat, which can cause severe issues with breathing. It is seen almost exclusively in children, the smaller the child the more severe the illness can be. Croup usually starts as a cold or upper respiratory infection and often presents at night as a gasping/barking cough. Most of the time croup can be easily treated at home, but it can sometimes be life threatening. It is usually seen in younger children aged 0 to 3, although older children can also get it. Croup is often caused by parainfluenza...

My child has a cough – when do I call 911?

"My child has a cough - when do I call 911?"  This guide should help answer this question!  These are general recommendations based on the best-practice guidelines in 2015 and could change - so always follow your physician's advice first.  Your doctor should give you detailed instructions on when it is appropriate to seek medical attention for your child given their specific health needs. When to seek immediate medical attention: My child is coughing AND...

Vegetable and Protein Containing Snack and Lunch Ideas

Most kids, at one point in their lives or another start being pickier with what they will eat. Throw in the fact that they are no longer sitting at your kitchen table but instead are at school seeing everyone else’s lunch options and you may just find you have a revolt on your hands. What is a health-conscious caregiver to do? Here are some great vegetable and protein-containing meal ideas, which work for home or school and for most meals of the day. (Why is it so important to have veggies and protein included in your child's diet?  Read our article: How...

How to improve your child’s behavior with blood sugar control

Are you struggling with behavioral issues in your child? Have you ever wondered if blood sugar control is affecting them? So often I see a parent come in with a child who needs behavior modification - and the schools of course want something to be done about it. I get it! Schools are over populated, with not nearly enough teachers to students. Their job has become a large mix of behavior management and teaching. What I don’t get, is the lack of awareness of how much this behavior modification can be influenced by dietary choices. When I talk with parents, they describe to me...

What kind of Diaper Rash is that?

Many first-time expectant moms are already prepared with creams and ointments to fight diaper rash before baby is even born. Diaper rash, or diaper dermatitis, is a common ailment that affects most babies and can range from fleeting to severe. It can be a real challenge to treat if not properly identified. The following information will help you tell the difference between the top three causes of diaper rash, many of which can be easily treated at home: Irritant dermatitis: The most common cause of diaper rash is due to the use of the diaper itself. This is from wet skin being...

Treatment for Children’s Constipation without Miralax

In January of this year the FDA announced it would fund research into the safety of the very popular constipation medication Miralax. Though Miralax has been approved for use in adults and adolescents for less than 7 days, it has never been approved by the FDA for use in children.  Despite this Miralax has been a mainstay treatment by conventional pediatricians for use of constipation in children. Polyethylene glycol 3350 (PEG 3350) is the active ingredient in Miralax.  Just so we are on the same page, ethylene glycol - or antifreeze - is not the same as polyethylene glycol.  Though polyethylene glycol is simply a string of...

Springing Forward

Springtime celebrations across cultures share the theme of resilience & renewal.  Children have a natural ability to ‘bounce back’ when they encounter significant challenges and parents can play a critical role in helping to further develop this skill.  When resilient kids are faced with life's obstacles, they can use them to spring forward. As parents, we are accustomed to focusing our caring attention towards the little people that surround us.  So much so that, we often find it difficult to turn that attention towards ourselves - even when we need it!  When we start to feel that we are easily fatigued, having a hard time making it through 3-5pm,...